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Dentists, Ditch the Dental Drama: How to Find Your Dental PPC Agency

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

Dental PPC Agency

Let's face it, docs, running a dental practice is no walk in the park. Between mastering the art of the perfect molar mold and navigating insurance labyrinthine, who has time to be a marketing whiz too? That's where Pay-Per-Click (PPC) heroes swoop in, ready to unleash the magic of targeted online ads and bring a flood of eager smiles to your door.

But finding the right dental PPC agency can feel like searching for a unicorn on a sugar rush. You stumble upon agencies who are clueless about crowns and cavities, their reports are written in Klingon, and their communication style boils down to "spend more, get clicks." Trust me, we've seen it all, and it's enough to make even the most zen dentist clench their instruments.

But fear not, floss-wielding warriors! We're here to illuminate the path, to be your trusty dental compass in the wild west of PPC. So grab your favorite caffeinated beverage (iced latte for the winners, lukewarm decaf for the...challenged) and get ready to transform your patient pipeline from trickle to torrent!

Say Adieu to "Dental Dunces" and Embrace PPC Pros: Debunking the Drama

Adios, Opaque Reporting! Transparency Reigns Supreme

You deserve crystal-clear data, not reports written in hieroglyphics. We speak plain English (with a dash of dental jargon for flair), and our dashboards are so user-friendly, even Grandpa Joe could navigate them after a Gobstopper binge. We pride ourselves on having a meeting once a month with our dentist. Not simply going over reports but understanding how many new patients are coming in the door each and every month and if they are seeing an increase in production from month to month. Our Key Performance Indicator is are you making more this year than you did last year at the same time!

Budget Blitzkrieg? Not on Our Watch! ROI is Our Mantra:

We're not here to burn your marketing budget like a rogue Bunsen burner. We're ROI ninjas, optimizing your campaigns to stretch every penny further than a rubber band at a floss competition. Looking at the cost per lead is what matters most to us. If you paid $2 a click or $3 is irrelevant. Howver, if you got 10% more leads this month over last month for the same money, that's a win!

Quantity? Pah! Quality Leads are All That Matter:

Sure, we could flood your inbox with a gazillion "free smile consultations," but what good are they if they're from folks who wouldn't know a molar from a moon rock? We focus on attracting patients who actually need your magic touch, the kind who'll become loyal, chattering advocates for your practice. Our primary focus is new patients who will purchase your service. They may start off with maintenance that come in every 6 months for a cleaning that you recommend. However once they are "in the system" we can use the data to target them for puposeful upgrades such as veneeers or Invisalign.

Control Freaks Rejoice! You're in the Driver's Seat:

We're not here to hijack your marketing ship. Think of us as your co-pilots, navigating the PPC skies with your input and feedback. Every decision, every tweak, we do it together. During our monthly calls we always talk about what's next. We're not here to simply be a doer, we want to be a partner. That means having meaningful discussion with you about how to move the needle. Where do you want to be 6 months, a year, 3 years from now. Then we can formulate plans together that make sense and get us where we want to go.

No Hidden Fees? That's the Dentist's Oath We Swear By:

Transparency is our middle name (it's actually Beatrice, but it doesn't have the same ring). You'll know exactly what your PPC adventure costs, right down to the last virtual floss pick. We are very transparent on how we charge for paid advertising. Money is paid directly to third parties such as Google or Meta and then a 20% management fee is paid to RAB Consulting to....manage the third parties. We think this is more than fair as it allows you to focus on the new clients you are gaining from our services and with over 15 years experience in paid advertising we think we can do an excellent job for you!

Meet Your Dream Team (and Keep Them!):

Stability is key. We assign dedicated PPC gurus to your practice, so you don't have to re-explain your whitening specials to a new face every week. Consider them your extended dental fam, minus the judgmental Aunt Gladys.

Beyond the Basics: Unpacking the "X-Factor"

Now, we know what you're thinking: "Okay, these guys sound legit, but do they understand the nuances of the dental world?" Buckle up, docs, because we're about to blow your mind (and maybe loosen a few fillings with excitement).

We Speak Fluent Molar-ese:

From crowns to bridges, implants to Invisalign, we know the lingo better than your hygienist can recite flossing technique. We craft targeted ads that speak directly to your ideal patients, no confusing jargon allowed.

Location, Location, Location (Plus a Dash of Dental Flair):

We don't just target random folks in your zip code. We pinpoint the people who are actually searching for "emergency wisdom tooth extraction near me" at 3 AM (yes, those people exist). We are constantly evolving your account to ensure that we show up for the right people at the right time. Being #1 in every search result will certainly get you a lot of clicks, it will also cost you a lot of cash. What if I told you being #2 for Amanda who searched for "dental practices near me" on a Tuesday at 2:!5PM was your next patient and it cost you half as much to get her over someone else. This is what we're looking for, the diamond in the rough.

Creative Campaigns that Make You Smile (Wider Than You Thought Possible):

Forget boring ads about "healthy smiles." We're the Willy Wonkas of PPC, whipping up campaigns that are as fun and engaging as a root canal (okay, maybe not that fun, but close). Showing up on a search result is part of the battle, the second part is getting the click. There are multiple links on that page so writing good copy that is intriguing and engaging is what will set us apart from everyone else. Now where do they go? We'll look at the landing page and look for elements that encourage the user the reach out and hopefully become a patient.

We're Data Detectives, Unearthing Insights Like Buried Treasure:

We don't just track clicks and conversions. We dig deep into the data, uncovering hidden trends and patterns that help us fine-tune your campaigns for maximum impact. Think of us as marketing Sherlocks.

So, How Do You Find The Right Dental PPC Agency?

Now that you're armed with the knowledge to spot a dental PPC hero from a marketing villain, let's embark on your quest! Here's your roadmap to finding the agency that'll make your practice the Beyoncé of the dental block:

Do Your Research, Sherlock!

  • Ask around: Get recommendations from fellow dentists, healthcare professionals, or even satisfied patients. Word-of-mouth is gold in the dental world.

  • Scour the web: Research agencies with specific dental expertise. Don't settle for "general marketing giants" who couldn't tell a premolar from a pretzel.

  • Check out case studies: See if their past clients are similar to your practice. Happy dentists with sparkling testimonials? That's a green flag.

Dive into the Interview Pit:

Don't be shy to ask questions! Grill them about their dental knowledge, target audience strategies, and reporting style. Remember, you're the dentist here, so make sure they're comfortable explaining things in plain English.

Get specific about your goals: Don't just say "more patients." Be clear about whether you want to attract cosmetic dentistry clients, build a pediatric patient base, or promote a new service.

Transparency is key: Ask about their pricing structure, reporting schedule, and communication style. Make sure there are no hidden fees or surprises lurking in the fine print.

Trust Your Gut (and Your Smile):

Go with the agency that you feel comfortable with. The chemistry needs to be right! Are they enthusiastic about your practice? Do they listen to your ideas? Do they make you laugh (not nervously, but genuinely)? If the answer is "yes," you might just have found your PPC soulmate.

Bonus Tip: Don't be afraid to negotiate! You're a savvy business owner, after all. If an agency's price tag seems a tad high, see if they're willing to work with you. Remember, the right fit is worth its weight in gold (or, in this case, pearly whites)!

So, Doc, Are You Ready to Ditch the Dental Drama?

With the right dental PPC agency by your side, you can transform your practice into a smile magnet, attracting eager patients and leaving the "dental dunces" in the dust. Remember, finding your PPC Prince (or Princess) Charming is an adventure, not a chore. So grab your explorer hat, put on your brightest smile, and get ready to conquer the world of online marketing!

And hey, if you're still searching for your perfect match, give us a shout. We might just be the missing piece to your dental marketing puzzle. After all, we live and breathe smiles, and we're always up for a root-canal-rocking partnership!

P.S. We promise, we're way more fun than a cavity filling (and a whole lot less painful).



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